Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sortie Helico

To finish off a week-end, Alain invited us to the air field for a little helicopter tour. We got to see (at last) his airplane (he built it himself!).
Alain nous a offert un tour en helico, pour la digestion... A noter le canard, l'avion qu'il a construit lui-même!
Mais c'est donc l'helico que nous avons pousser dehors... Guerlain au premier poste, pour les photos.
We pushed the helicopter out and Guerlain was front row to take pictures...
Alain nous a montré toute sa maitrise. The ride was great thanks to Alain's smooth controls.
Do I need to comment?
Faute de place, Sullivan était dans la seconde fournée, mais est resté bien plus longtemps en l'air que nous, le petit veinard!
Second round for Sullivan. But it was much longer for him. He was so impressed that he even took a nap on board I was told...

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