Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weekly up-date & 48hr rest!

A good BUSY week, quite busy at work. But I still managed to fit a little over 11h of work-out.
Here are the key points
- cycling are coming back. Nothing special, but after 2 weeks of "intense" swimming, I had NO strength what so ever on the bike. I can now ride again normally.
- Swimming turning point. After just swimming, some interval training & some intense stuff. With the help of Olivier, we beat ourselfves to the ground... Ain't pretty, but it's neat. Again, it's nothing outrageous, but things seem to turn around.
- Running. Well only managed to fit in a short run this week. And it felt quite good, right off the bike.
- The other good news is the "weight management". It's all down hill from here! Reached a very adequate 72kg this week. I guess I'll good under next week.

The aim next week is to bring back running to the regular amount (3 runs/week). And bring even more volume / intensity on the Swimming. I'll see if I get in a long ride, but that's not the priority (yet).

Last hot point: next work-out is on Moday meaning over 48hr of rest... Pretty neat, and greatly needed for the next week.

Alors cette semaine fut plutôt bonne malgré un agenda chargé.
 - Un peu plus de 11h de sport
 - 72kg sur la balance
 - La forme qui revient tant dans l'eau (sans casser un patte à un canard) que sur le vélo (retour à la normal).

La pente est donc bonne, et puis j'ai quasiment 2 jours de repos à venir... De quoi bien être frais pour les semaines à venir.

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