Friday, April 11, 2008

Ishigaki Gazette

Last minute edition of the ISHIGAKI Gazette!

Time constraint is heavy lately but one can't go to Ishigaki without the latest gossips or edgy info!
First, we'll be blessed with the usual uncertain weather - 50% rain as of now.
Second, the DNSU: Did Not Show Up people...
Some are preparing for Ironman races, others just moved away or are too busy... We'll miss you!
Note: if it doesn't rain, it will confirm that Vincent & Renaud were the bad luck guys!
Third, the participants!
As you might know, we'll do the FAMILY race (vs. the Pro race).
So let's see the families coming to Ishigaki.
First, a REAL family, Bruno and with the entire gang! We'll see if he can keep cool with so many fans! Bruno's fame is his ability to remain calm in any condition. He's so calm, he can dry his feet and fold his socks during transitions...
Then when the FRESH MEAT family... The rookies! And this year's been good for recruiting!
Where to start...
Jean-Francois, impressive natural runner, should surprise us considering we haven't seen him since he picked his bike a couple months ago. Nonetheless, make sure you have a huge lead before the run!
Jerome (G), another outstanding e athlete. The tatami is his world but his aquatic skills will stun most people. He's like a fish, just a thick one! Be nice to him, or he'll break your neck!
Then there is the NOT SO FRESH MEAT family - people who've done triathlon, but not Ishigaki...
Didier, a strong man both thick and fast. His training has been important I'm told but quite confidential. So we're all anxious to see the performance. One of the top racers.
Stu, my friend from America... Stu is ULTRA fit even though he is recovering from a long back injury. It's delight to have him with us, with his splendid bike.
Jacques, I think he might be one of the most experienced triathletes of the pack. Note that he will do Ishigaki this week, and will manage to go to China for an Ironman next week! Very tough guy, but very friendly (if you don't mind the tattoos).
The "I'LL BE BACK" family... all the others...
Except that I'm not sure when Jerome (B) did his last Ishigaki tri... might be in the previous century! Yes, he is that old! Just like the cheese he usually carries in his suitcase or his pockets. Don't try to challenge him to climb a mountain or anything - he'll be up for it!
Vincent, a pillar of the event. His cross training (judo, running, computers, ...) keeps him very fit and considering he's in the light weight category (I won't mention the heavy weight family for obvious political reasons), he is always a great contender!
Luc, always in a sporting event, or a good meal, has gained famed during the Tokyo marathon. Frustrated from all the paparazzis, he decided to jump into one (or is it the other way around). He recovered, and is ready this year again.
Armel, in a similar strategy approach (good nutrition is #1 priority), has boosted his preparation by participating in very intensive training camps. Well mainly swimming, where he already had good basis. He also geared up to the best level with a brand new wetsuit and aero bars!
David (S) is another pillar of the race. I think he has the most participations. And in spite of his new job (being a dad), he's up to the challenge. As usual, the bike will be his treat! Beware!
Talking about riders, our bike sensei Alain has never been more prepared. His running is steady but he's made a leap improvement in swimming. I think he will get the most improved swim of the bunch. He actually looked like a swimmer in recent work-outs.
Olivier (B) has been tracking down all the preparation very closely... through the discussions and mails. But his schedule and shoulder have given him challenging conditions to train. He's motivated and will take sufficient time on Saturday to remove excess rust of the chain!
Who's left? Another Olivier (P) & Another former swimmer who took his bike a few times recently. He also recovered from back problems but will be present on the 3 sections as the Tokyo Marathon is now only a formality!
Then we have the most improved bike award! Eric will shine when he will fly by you on the bike (if you're fast on the swim!). His BRAND NEW bike is awesome and I highly recommend all you to check it out, especially the rings (plateaux). There is a little surprise for you. Now the question for Eric is how will he deal with his HEAVY training for the July IronMan? A very serious contender, supported by his #1 fan - that's a first too!
Then, your humble servant will bring is now-old bike... The gear is the same but the tri-suit is totally changed. As you're aware the NFCC members will be able to display their team colors! Flashy! The tri-function is great! Now, the question is the same as for Eric. How will the IM preparation impact the speed (what speed?)? I guess the swimming might be a little short (only once a week) but very steady. The bike is obviously the big change - now endurant, I'm not sure I'll be faster on 40k. Then the run should be fun as running is now possible again. Hopefully Eric will be nearby to help break 40mn on the run: my ultimate goal!
Note they are other participants (in other hotels) but I'm not sure who and their training condition... We'll find out there.

for the Ishigaki Gazette!


Anonymous said...

Je lirais la gazette une autre fois !!
Bonne competition

Oribu No Ki said...

Gambare guys!

Have fun (but not too much or it may look suspicious...)
