Saturday, April 12, 2008

NFCC Peugeot Calyon

La section triathlon presque au complet! On jette un max avec les couleurs du club!
Tout le monde mate. On ne sait pas si c'est parce que transparent quand mouille, ou sali(ssant).

The NFCC team - triathlon, almost complete. Some had duties and couldn't make the trip...
Flashy with the colors - everyone is looking!

But you don't know if it's see-through when wet or (easy to get) dirty.

Alright, lets go eat diner and get some rest.

Une biere, un bon diner et au lit!


Oribu No Ki said...

Quelle classe !



the ups and downs of a belgian amateur cyclist in tokyo said...

Beautiful group picture! Didn't know NFCC counted such cute and fast-looking female athletes among its members! Will ask Stephan to have this group picture posted directly on the NFCC website as almost the entire triathlon is represented in it - with your permission of course. This will surely add some iroke to NFCC's dull-looking (sorry Stephan) website.