Thursday, February 25, 2010

No progress - pas d'amélioration

Après 3 semaines, pas le début d'une calcification...Je ne savais pas, mais la clavicule est en 3 morceaux.
Du coup, RDV chez un spécialiste à prévoir, et comme le harnais était certrainement trop serré, j'ai une para-phlébite au bras. Bon pour une piqure et un examen (echodoppler).
3 weeks after the crash & while I thought it was almost finished (no more pain), I got a shot taken... Well, it's not healing, and still in 3 pieces (didn't know that). So I earned more rest, an appointment w/a specialist. And since the shoulder braces were may be too tight, I guess it pinched a vein (something like thrombophlebitis).
So I got a shot (in the belly) and will do a medical test tomorrow...


La mère said...

Vraiment pas rejouissantes ces "photos"
Bon courage Fiston

Paul Fleuren said...

That is a nasty looking break. get well soon.
