Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It started / Ca commence

La preparation a l'entrainement est terminee. Nous avons commence l'entrainement specifique a l'Ironman... Ca commence dur. Et les petits copains font ca a des heures pas possible (de 4h a 6h...). Des malades!
Training for the IM training is finished. We have started the IM specific training - it's tough already. But I'm more reasonable than the others... I did it from 10pm to 12pm... They went out from 4am to 6am!!! That CAN'T be healthy!! : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cela ressemble bien a un plan de M. Paul.
Dis-moi pendant cette excercice tu as travaillé au Seuil (80% de ta Fcmax) ?
J'aimerai mieux comprendre son/ton plan d'entrainement?
