Monday, February 23, 2009


Yuko wasn't alone trying out to make the cuts. Gen was there too.

Both have good strokes already. And Gen did very well as he qualified in the IM race.
Good job!

It looks fast already! Thanks to his dad for the very nice pictures.

Gen a super bien nage ce week-end. Comme Yuko, ci-dessous, je tente d'aider un peu pour la technique. Pour le reste, ils se debrouillent tres bien.

Gen devait etre content car il a explose le temps de qualif pour sa course! Bravo!
Merci a son papa pour les photos.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Instead of Gen, let me say thank you David, for coaching him! Although his head (when he was breezing at FS) went up too high, he told me he was trying to keep his head flat. Great result for the first trial, and hope better result next time!