Sunday, March 22, 2009


I wasn't sure but Hiro did write! HE DID QUALIFY for WORLD CHAMPS!!!
Man, it's cool! Very happy for him.
Good job hiro on getting a slot for Clearwater, FL. The World championships will be Nov 14th. We'll be watching and cheering!!

Hiro s'est qualifie aujourd'hui pour les Championnats du Monde de Triathlon Ironman 70.3 (semi Ironman). Il a termine 8ieme de sa categorie a Singapour et obtient donc un billet qualificatif pour la finale mondiale qui aura lieu le 14 novembre a Clearwater, Floride.
Brova Hiro!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Toutes mes félicitations à transmettre à Hiro.