Monday, March 2, 2009


Voila 2 videos prises par Paul lors de notre entrainement de dimanche. Le site - Oi-Futo - n'est particulierement beau, au contraire. Mais c'est relativement calme et on peut rouler non stop sur une boucle de ~ 9km. Merci a Paul pour les videos: pas facile de pedaler, rattraper le bourrin d'Eric (c'est familier!) et faire la video et les commentaires en meme temps!


Here 2 videos made by Paul during our Sunday practice. It's Oi-Futo, near Shinagawa. It ain't pretty but it surely does the trick for the time trail or pacing stuff.
Thanks to Paul - it's quite something to pedal and try to catch up with high speed Eric and record the video while making comments... I know, it's where I broke my collar bone a few years back!
(note from the editor (me)) - Paul is so good that he managed to spot a Starbucks coffeshop while recording us and biking - he's incredible! Especially when it comes to Starba'! : )

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