Thursday, February 2, 2017

Bof bof week

I pulled a reverse Steve Austin ($6M man)...
Early in the week (in Argentina), I felt like Steve Austin on the treadmill - spinning my legs tu tu tu tu tu tu....
But got injured, I have a pain/soreness in my right calf. So I need the same doctors to rebuild my legs!

Bottom line is that I´m very tired: I can´t train and lack sleep. That´s the lesson of the week.

In the end, it´s a sucky 9hr week. Too lazy.
Running is ok, but injured now. I´m going the get some therapy & a week off running.
Swimming improving, and bike behind schedule (didn´t go out on Saturday - indoor biking is simply not the same).

Talking about swimming, Friday training included a challenging combination: hypoxia work followed by lactate work.
Let me translate:
 - Hypoxia : limited or no breathing
 - Lactate : high intensity repeats without swim down to recover.
Hypoxia @ 6:00 AM feels like
Lactate/ high intensity: In my dreams...

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