Saturday, October 13, 2007

Coeur / heart

Voila la courbe des 3h. La courbe bleue est la vitesse: tendance est la baisse.
Et le coeur (rouge) reste haut malgre le ralentissement...
3h race ==> note the heart rate staying up in spite of the speed (blue) dropping.

2h: cette fois, le coeur baisse bien, une fois au fond du puit. Et la vitesse ne remonte jamais.
2h: I had to slow down, and it shows! Even when I felt better, the speed remained low...


Paul Fleuren said...

What are these graphs for?

How are you interpeting them??


Iron Bach said...

Just to show my geek tool!
If you look at the first graph (3hr), you can see the speed down trend (blue) while the heart (red) remains high. Clear sign of poor effort management.
The second one shows that I had to slow down quite a bit to recover (headache + back pain). And after, the speed doesn't go back up - dead is dead...