Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekly summary / Bilan hebdo

10h & 70.9 kg a good week! Considering the work week I just had. But it's going to stay like that for a while...

Un poil plus que 10h d'entrainement pour finir a moins de 71kg (70.9). "Pourvu qu'ca dure!"

On notera 2 sorties en course a pieds! Un record. Et en particulier celle de samedi matin, avec Paul et Jef... Ca s'est engraine grave!
Et la marge avec Alain au sprint diminue... comme neige au soleil.

Note that I managed 2 run work-outs. I'll still be at the bottom of the Run Challenge ladder, but over an hour total in a week - can't remember when was the last time I did that...
Moreover Paul & I got pushed by Jef (or the other way around) and we ran like maniacs around the small Palace... I need to go back to measure it accuratly (with the bike).

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