Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bilan hebdo / Weekly summary

71.2 kg (sous controle) et 10h10 cette semaine...

As mentioned above 71.2 kg and 10h10... Painfully.
Painfully because I fell apart last week-end: knee, sciatic nerve, calf - the other one.
And this week was attempting to recover.

Bobos la semaine passee: genou (hibou caillou), nerf sciatique, et le retour du mollet (l'autre). Donc beaucoup de muscu (elastiques) pour laisser les jambes recuperer. Ce n'est pas encore tout a fait cela, mais ca va mieux ce week-end.

Les membres inferieurs qui derouillent...

A: Quadriceps/genou gauche / Left quad/knee

B: Nerf sciatique dans la fesse droite /Sciatic nerve in the right butt cheek

C: Mollet gauche, plus de soucis /Left calf, it's fine now

D: Mais c'est maintenant le droit qui lache... / But the right one is now giving in...


Anonymous said...

Hello David

How about today's condition?

I have a slight cold..

Please take good care of yourself..

"Hiro" Suzuki

Iron Bach said...

Slightly better - run 5km yesterday. It's almost a marathon, right?