Monday, October 27, 2008

Bilan hebdo / Weekly report

Je viens d'essuyer une attaque directe! Un soi-disant ami est venu me voir et m'a force a manger comme 4, en particulier le dessert - Mont Blanc et Mont Blanc au chocolat! (pas la creme en conserve, mais la patisserie a la creme de marron). Il poussa meme le vice a en laisser pour le petit dej'!
Terrible, le sucre a fait son effet: la frite sur le velo. Mais sur la balance aussi: 74.5 kg...

Bref, tjs cote lourdingue. Et 8.5 hr au final. La pluie a complique un peu la donne cette semaine. Et j'ai un peu de PPG (preparation Physique Generale, pour ne pas dire muscu). J'ai eu des courbatures pendant 3 jours!

I have sneaky friends. They pretend to be nice and all but the first chance they get they stuff your face with high calorie (excellente tasting) food. Try for example the "Mont Blanc" at your nearest French Patisserie (Boulangerie makes bread, patisserie the cakes). There were even Mont Blanc au chocolat left for breakfast - almost as good as oatmeal! : )
The sugar rush faded quicky however the scale stood up to the challenge with 74.5 kg again...
I'll enter Cycladale soon at this rate.

Anyway, 8.5 hr of training is acceptable, considering the rain. I did some conditioning (stretch cord, abs, weight machine): I've been sore for 3 days!

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