Monday, October 13, 2008

Choshi Marina data

Qvec un peu de retard, mes chiffres de Choshi... Meme si ce n'etait pas hyper rapide, le coeur y etait...
Better late than never, right? Here is the data from Choshi.

00:19:00 00:01:16/100m 156 BPM
01:10:50 33.8 km/h 153 BPM
Run/Course a pieds
00:43:31 00:04:21/km 160 BPM

You can see that the swim was not a walk in the park, you can clearly see the hills - each one of them), and I pressed on (a little) on the run, including the "sprint".
La natation fut intense quand meme, le velo bossele, et la cap en progressif, y compris le finish pour ne pas se faire griller...

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