Sunday, July 8, 2012

Thoughts, Romans 12

All this week I have reading (mainly) Romans 12. It's been captivating!
I finally read it in the World wide English version.

And verse 11 sums it up good...
"Do not hold back in what you do. Let the Spirit burn in you. Work hard for the Lord."

I still don't understand why the Lord gave athletic gifts (nor why Sandy got an athlete's heart!), but He has his way... Stop the questionning and do it, right?!
Verse 12 reminds me of another verse (Through Him, you can do anything). Regardless of the conditions in the race, weather, mechanics, physical, I have special support...

En Français, j'ai toujours plus de mal avec la Bible.
Cela dit, les versets 11 & 12 du livre de  Romains résument bien la situation.
Il m'a doté de certaines capacités sportives, je ne suis pas sûr du pourquoi. En revanche, j'ai bien compris que je devais les utiliser au maximum.
Peu importe les conditions, ou les challenges qui vont se dresser devant moi pendant la course, je ne serai pas seul.

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