Sunday, November 25, 2007

Weekly summary / bilan hebdo

Fat turkey, that's what I felt like after Thxgiving diner, standing at 73.2 kg (+1 kg normal weight).

La dinde et surtout les tartes du diner de Thanksgiving m'ont ete fatales sur la balance: un extra kg. 72.2 kg. Il va falloir se resaisir, pour apprecier les fetes!

Sinon, au quota horaire, un poil plus que 9h: pas mal considere 2 jours sans rien.
9h in 5 days only (2 days off...). Not bad.

Je ne veux surtout pas vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tue... Mais j'ai quand meme couru 3 fois cette semaine! Certes, la somme 3 sorties fait simplement une bonne sortie... Mais quand meme, c'est mieux que rien. + je n'ai pas mal. Je sens tjs que ca travaille en bas du mollet, mais c'est jouable a ce stade.
3 (short) runs this week. That's a record for AT LEAST 6 months! But it only adds up to ~ 1hr. Better than nothing.


Paul Fleuren said...


I would recommend that you go with the 9min on 1min walk strategy this has allowed me to really up my volume safely and it gives you that added little rest while running.
On the bike we do this natrually when we stop pedalling going downhill and in the pool we are always have rests at the end of the lane. Yet we still get fitter.
I would assume this would work for running too.

Anonymous said...

oui,mais ce sont 73 kg de muscles