Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekly summary / Bilan hebdo

Sur les rotules, sans pourtant en avoir fait beaucoup. On paie nos efforts continus et le manque de sommeil chronique.
9h30 et 71,1kg.

Dead tired (sounds like I'm repeating myself). Not much "want to" this week. Did manage almost 10hr without any biking during the week...
9h30 and 71.1kg - stable.

Surprisingly, the 20mn at IM pace went quite well early this morning. I was about 34 to 35 km/h for a heart rate lower than 130... Weird. But you gotta to like the Shinagawa course, flat and easy turns...
Je me suis etonne ce matin sur le velo. En faisant le travail d'allure Ironman, je fais des moyennes de 34 a 35 km/h avec un rythme cardiaque assez bas (inferieur a 130 bpm).

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