Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ishigaki - photos

Thanks to Eloise we got some nice images of the multiple efforts from Ishigaki!

The Thebault dream team finishing with Jules.

Merci, merci... mais certains m'ont avoue avoir un peu souffert. Mais c'est pour la gloire, alors...

Les jeunes avec le representant de l'Equipe de France...
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Fete de l'Ecole - concert tambours japonais

Aux premieres loges, Sullivan, coiffe avec les pieds du reveil, comme dirait Papy

Lots of coordination required when you drum AND change position at the same time...

Pas facile celui-la!

Et quand les profs s'en melent...
See what happens when teachers get involved... Good thing Eric & Paul don't teach there - Place'd be on fire!
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Monday, April 27, 2009

Resultats d'Ishigaki

Il parait qu'ils se sont regales, en tout cas, ils ont tous termines! Bravo.
Et certain(e)s ont meme gagne leur categorie d'age.
Here are the results. They all finished the race, and I hear they had fun doing it!
Note some even won their age group - Good job!

Le temps velo inclus les 2 transitions, dont la premiere qui semble etre + longue que d'habitude (parc a velo + loin).
Note that the bike time includes both transitions, especially the first one which appears to be longer than usual as they move the bike park further out.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sayonara souvenirs

Lucky guy with great memories to look at.

A note from all the team members, arranged by Yamada San! Arigato!!

Inital sketches of the Maxima - a unique arrangement. Thank you Sasaki San and Narita San!

And a superb aquarelle - thanks to the office gaijins! : )
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth day

Passage a Yoyogi alors que c'etait le Jour de la Terre...

Activite eolienne - l'eolienne charge une petite voiture electrique...

Earth in Yoyogi Koen - playing with wind powered electric generator... charging a small car

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Peter Rabbit - TTFC

Not quite like NFCC, TTFC had its Friends & family show... With Sandy as Peter Rabbit!
Dernier spectacle de Sandy, toujours aussi reussi, Peter Rabbit.

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Tokyo training / NFCC

Voila une partie de la fine equipe - une bonne partie ira a Ichigaki la semaine prochaine.
Bonne chance et surtout merci pour toutes les sorties grace a vous!

Here is the gang, our gang. Most of them are going to Ishigaki Olympic distance Triathlon next next.
Good luck & thanks for all the fun sessions.

Manque sur la photo: Eric pour raisons mecaniques, et Paul pour raisons mecaniques, mais differentes!
Missing from the pictures: Eric due to mechanical issues, Paul due to (different) mechanical issues...

Tout a commence quand Luc (Hovan) m'a enbringue pour un triathlon. Rapidement, Renaud et moi nous retrouvions accompagne de(s) Vincent. Ensuite, nous avons eu un coach de cyclisme en la personne d'Alain (tout le temps a la bourre le samedi matin!). Et semaine apres semaine, le groupe a grossit a l'image de la mailing list, comprenant de fins limiers tel que Paul, aka Master Yoda... Nous avions toujours un pic de participation avant Ishigaki (Armel, Luc, Bruno, pour de denoncer qu'eux).
Bon vent a tous, continuer a vous amuser comme des fous. Et ne vous inquietez pas, je retrouve certains des premiers malades du groupe en rentrant!!!

It all started when Luc (Hovan) got me into signing up for a triathlon (where the swimming got CANCELED). Then, quickly, Renaud & I started meeting at the Palace, along with the Vincent(s). Then we "brought" in or rather tolerated a cycling coach, Alain (always late on Saturday moning). Week after week, the group grew bigger, picking up along the some fine experts such as Paul, aka Master Yoda... The season pic was always prior to Ishigaki (like yesterday: over 16 people showed up).
Good luck to all, and keep having fun out there. And do not worry about me, I'll join some of the wacky people from the early days.
Ce fut un reel plaisir pour moi d'essayer d'expliquer la natation, et vos progres (grace a vos efforts et tenacite) ont toujours ete gratifiants. Enfin, nous avons mis du temps, mais je suis content de voir que notre groupe commence a integrer des Japonais, malgres notre bruyance (Jacques, merci) et impatience (en particulier aux feux)! : )

It has been a real pleasure attempting to explain swimming (I won't say teach) as your improvements (thanks to your efforts and perseverance) have been very rewarding. Finally, I'm very glad to have some Japanese friends (Hiro, David, ...) in our group, in spite of (Jacques') loudness and impatience (especially at the lights)! : )
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Short selection of Guerlain's pictures in Shinjuku Koen during Anami.

Petite selection de cliches pris par Guerlain lors d'anami au parc de Shinjuku.
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Sakura - Anami / ou les cerisiers

2 commentaires:
- On etait presque tout seul
- On s'est presque ennuye...

Ok, j'ai raconte des salades!
Note: c'etait il y a 10 jours...
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Antwerp Ironman 70.3

Antwerp Ironman 70.3

Dear sport enthusiast,

We have received your enrollment for the Antwerp Ironman 70.3 on Sunday 2 August 2009.A few weeks before the event you will receive all the necessary practical details related to the race.
More information about the triathlon can be found on

For more specific questions, contact us via e-mail:

We wish you a successful preparation!

Et voila, une inscription de plus... un semi-Ironman, pour garder la forme!
RDV le 3 aout a Anvers, Belgique

Sayonara party

Ce doit etre un record, et encore, on n'a pas pu inviter tout le monde...

En tout cas, 100 amis pour feter le depart... Pas mal.

Pour reprendre une citation d'Oscar Wilde, "Certains causent le bonheur partout ou ils vont, d'autres des qu'ils partent"... On ne saura pas s'ils etaient content d'avoir enfin reussi a se debarasser de nous.

100 people, that must be a record (unlike Paul's bike split earlier that morning - yes, he was the fastest today, pfff...). It was great so many friends whom made a difference in our lives.
But we'll never know why they were so happy!
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." - Oscar Wilde

Family News

First Olivier - he qualified a few weeks back for the European Championships (masters swimming)! Not bad for a Renault guy! : )
His latest times:
- 50 back / dos : 32"28
- 100 back / dos : 1'11"27
- 200 IM / 4nages : 2'33"20
- 400 Free / NL : 4'51"74

Some were back to back and the rumor tells me he has room for improvement on the turn. Looking forward to this summer at the European Champs'.

Second my dad, he started his blog
A bunch of pictures and cool stuff even though there is some unauthorized material about me! Uncool! : )

Third, falling under the peer pressure I followed Guerlain and long timer Sandy on Facebook...
Sandy Holderbach
Guerlain Holderbach
and now
David Holderbach.
Still doesn't know how it works but keeps me busy!

Just quelques mots sur les perfos du p'tit frere qui a encore explose le chrono: il est qualifie pour les Europes Masters.

Ensuite, une ligne sur le blog du Pere. Plein de photos sympas.

Et finallement, j'ai rejoins Guerlain et Sandy sur Facebook, et je suis en vrai debutant...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shibuya cleaning / Nettoyage

Nous sommes alles avec d'autres membres de l'Eglise faire le nettoyage de Shibuya...

We joined other Tokyo Baptist Church Volunteers to clean up Shibuya.

4 bags: paper, plastic, metal & glass.
Tri selectif: papier, plastique, metal & verre.

Devinez ce que l'on a le plus ramasser...
No1: des megots
No2: des chewing-gums, sachant que la majorite etait inscrute dans le sol... Beurk
Garbage Top ranking:
#1 cigarette stubs
#2 gum, most of them were simply part of the curb...

Friday, April 3, 2009

On a le haut

Voila le haut haut de la tenue 2009 NFCC.

Meme si on n'a pas encore le bas, on en a mis un!

Picture time with the new top, of the 2009 NFCC tri top.

We'll get the bottom later...
Notice how I'm hiding the belly behind Sullivan - I wonder why?
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