Sunday, January 22, 2017

Guerlain is back at school - cool picture.
Guerlain a bien repris les cours à Leeds - Je me demande quel film il nous prépare!
Et Sullivan s´alège de 4 dents de sagesse - ouch.
On the end, Sullivan is now 4 (wisdom) teeth lighter - tough couple days now...

And this week, I hit the wall. Good!
So, on one end, the weekly hours are not great because I gave in a day off on Thursday. But it´s a good news to hit the wall: it makes you bounce higher!
Ce n´est jamais une chose quand le corps et la tête peuvent plus. Mais c´est que l´entrainement fonctionne. Toucher le fond permet de rebondir, plus haut, si on récupère.

A bit more than 12 hr with a day off to recover. It´s fine. Especially because there was quality in swimming & running. 
Did a set of 100s in the pool on 1´25 - good, but paintful! 
And the fartlek session on the run (800 strong + 200 ez + 400 strong + 600 ez) x 5, getting close to 4mn/km.
12 hr cette semaine, avec un jour de repos "forcé". Ce n´est pas excellent en volume mais la natation et la course à pieds progressent.
Série de 100m départ 1'25, à l´arrache, mais c´est fait.
Et presque 4mn/km en session fartlek.

De plus, ce matin, le 18km est bien passé. La compagnie de Philippe T aide a avalé les km. On a dû un peu le pieds après 1hr car il est encore en mode reprise. C´est donc passé assez facilement pour moi (128 bpm en moyenne pour 4´55/km).
This morning was good too. The 18km felt almost easy, thanks to Philippe´s company. We were going 4´45s at 135 bpm. But we had to slowdown a lit to allow Philippe to finish (As he´s resuming training). So in the end, 4´55 average for 128bpm. Heart & legs are getting in synch.

Need to keep the volume up

73,7kg - funny how running becomes easier

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Week / Semaine -20

A good week. A week without travel.
Figures are good. Almost 16hr of training, with 1 good swim session, decent biking and good runs.
And cherry on the cake, weight is shading off: 73,9 kg.

Une bonne synthèse hebdomadaire, ça aide quand on ne voyage pas.
Les chiffres sont là pour le montrer, 15h40 d´entrainement, un poids à la baisse (73,9kg). Et de la qualité en natation, et en course à pieds.

La semaine a commencé "sur les rotules": la sortie de 150km de samedi dernier est dure à absorber. Ce n´est que mercredi soir que le jus est revenu.
Started the week on low batteries: the Saturday 150km bike ride taking its toll... I finally got better on Wednesday, for a good run.

But first, there are days like that... 
Tuesday... Biking to work: 2 flats! 
Wednesday... Swimming, and leaving dress shoes at home (I had back-up in my locker fortunaly) and forgeting my swimsuits at the pool...

S´entrainer autant avec le boulot et le reste nécessite de l´organisation. 
Et cela se complique que tu crèves 2 fois mardi matin en vélo (mais tu arrives à l´heure), que tu oublies tes chaussures de ville à la maison (mais tu en as une paire ds le vestiaire au boulot)...
Bref, on ne s´ennuit pas.

Guilty of serious poncture
Tendance le gars...

Bonne course à pieds mercredi, après 6km un peu dur pour mettre la machine en route, emsuite, le tempo était bon et le chrono du bon coté.
The good run was 9x1km at mid effort. It took 4 to get going but the legs / lungs / heart were then in synch to get good (reasonnable) speed.

THE session of the week was Friday swim. After a 10x100 pull at good pace w/Rodrigo & Olivier, I simply felt great in the next set, swimming 1´14 average (medium effort). A good beginning!
LA bonne séance de la semaine a clairement été la natation de vendredi matin.
On s´est un peu tiré la bourde sur un 10x100 bras avec Olivier & Rodrigo, et quand je suis repassé en nage complète, ça passait tout seul: 1´14 de moyenne (Effort A2 pour les geeks).

Nice day for Saturday 130 km ride
Beaucoup de crevaisons : (

So Sunday, a little personal lesson: you´re finishing your 15k run, a bit in pain. And you get caught by an older guy, who´s done already 23, and has 57km to go. All of the sudden, the pain is gone!
Petite leçon matinale pour la course à pieds dominicale (après 1hr de hometrainer), alors que tu termines tes 15km en te disant que c´est dur et que ça fait un peu mal... Tu te fais rattraper par un gars, un peu plus agé, qui a déjà couru 23km au moment de la discussion et qui doit en faire 57km (!!) de plus. Bizarrement, toutes les douleurs ont disparu, instantanément...

Après la petite leçon de chose...
 I need to monitor the calves, a lit sensitive on the left side. I use a golf ball to massage calf and the bottom of the foot (plantar).
Nick joue ma balle de golf que j´utilise pour masser la voute plantaire
Nutrition is also an important part of preparation: low Glycemia Index (GI) apple pie : sugar de coco, honey, peanut butter, and a lot of love! : )
Ré-interprétation d´un classique français: la tarte aux pommes.
Optimisation de l´Index Glycémique avec du sucre de coco, beurre de cacahuetes à l´açai, miel, et plein de bonnes choses (copyright: pate feuilletée d´Olivier).

Enjoying healthy food!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Vacation wrap-up / Bilan (sportif) vacances d´été

Let´s start with last 2 weeks: biggest training in ages, and I mean ages (ice ages?). 
20hr followed by 17hr on the second week. For me, that´s huge.
I had to take a day off off in the 2nd one - I was totally empty.
So the result is very positive.

Le bilan de ces 2 derniers semaines, malgré les repas et la galette, ont été très positives pour l´entrainement. Je ne crois pas m´être entrainer autant depuis que j´ai raccroché le maillot (de bain).
20hr en 1ere semaine, suivies de 17hr en 2nd semaine. Obligé de prendre une journée de repos pour clore cela. Très content avec ces chiffres, d´autant qu´il y a eu de la qualité dans ce volume important.
Encore une fois, ces volumes sont importants, mais pas tant que cela vs. les copains...

Sick + race early Dec, then training, serious training

Ca, c´est l´autre graphique satisfaisant. 3 mois solides, avec en moyenne 10h/sem. La base est faite.
Pour preuve, la sortie vélo de samedi, 150km, dont 120km à plus de 34km/h de moyenne (drafting 60% du temps).
Mais, ce n´est pas suffisant: pour preuve, la sortie de course à pieds de ce matin. Totalement explosé!

The other positive point is the regularity of the last 3 months. 10hr/week on average. That´s good (for me). I did my first IM (9h58) with 10hr of training on average for the last 6 months...
It´s good, and it shows: I was able to ride 150km on Saturday, including 65km with the big boys. Very pleasing, especially the final sprint (Alain coaching...).
But this morning run was simply a disaster: dead tired. That´s where we´ll have to pick it up with the team coach, Guilherme: 142 days = 20 weeks to go.

Some more details, for the geeks...

The cool thing is that this volume was fun to do: great scenery, great team mates.

Normandie? Non, Parana, état du Brésil

Olivier n´est jamais très loin, et est surtout le training partner officiel pour la natation

Bizarrement, Olivier n´est pas venu pour la course à pied...

Il fait beau et chaud, pour la course à pieds.
Training partner officiel pour la course à pieds: Tony Stark le chien

Soleil, pluie, brouillard, il faut être prêt à tout ici. Dans la même journée!

Guerlain l´anglais n´a pas échappé à cette séance de vélo en salle
Great session @ Studio 220 - Thanks Gustavo!
 I think I will follow-up with Sudio 220 - High tech spinning studio... Just need to find time...
Le Studio 220, c´est une salle de vélo, réglable à souhait, avec toutes infos (cardio / puissance / cadence) suivies et monitorées. Un vrai laboratoire.
Running with Manocchio Team is so much fun - much better than alone
S´entrainer en groupe est tellement plus sympa que seul... Je vais regretter cela avec la reprise du boulot

Voilá la trogne, après 150 km de vélo et 5km de càp avec Tony. Reste encore 5kg à perdre...
Still 5 kg to lose, but training has brought back a little of tonicity in the Flamby body... : )

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Plan 2017

C´est fait - 2nd inscription faite, pour IM Suisse.
The plan is laid out: just signed for Ironman Switzerland.

The plan starts in Brazil: Ironman Florianopolis.
Le plan commence au Brésil pour la quête du Graal, la qualif pour les Mondes.

Primary objective - May 28
3rd time racing in Florianopolis Ironman. But this time to get a slot for Kona.
3eme départ d´Ironman à Florianopolis, avec l´ambition d´une qualification pour Hawaii.
Back-up race or preparation race
Si les choses ne se passent comme souhaitées, ou que la compétition est exceptionnellement intense, cf. 9h45 à 9h50 pour se qualifier ces dernières années à Floripa.
If things go wrong in Floripa, or if the boys are just too fast, the back-up race will in Zurich.

Planning for hopefully a 10 month journey

So, Plan A, qualify in Floripa, train through IM Switzerland, and go to Kona, happily ever after.
Plan B, recover after Floripa to re-try for the slot in Zurich.
And hopefully, re-do a cycle a preparation for Kona.
(TH3 is Half Ironman distance in Caioba).

Tout va bien, et c´est le plan A: je me qualifie pour Hawaii à Floripa, puis 2 cycles de preparation jusqu´en octobre, avec Zurich comme épreuve d´entrainement.
Plan B, si Floripa part en saucisse, ou que la concurrence est trop forte, c´est de bien récupérer pour re-tenter en Suisse fin juillet.
Et si cela se passe mieux chez helvetes, encore une petite boucle de préparation. Scenario moins idéal, mais faisable.
(TH3 est un semi-Ironman à Caioba).
But this is no wishfully thinking, there is work to be done! 143 days to go until Floripa.
Il reste 143 jours de jours de préparation. 143 jours de boulot et de sueur...

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 wrap-up

A year without an Ironman, with 5 months is low activity: creeping up to 81 kg...
Une année sans ironman, et 5 mois d´engraissage, jusqu´à 81 kg! Dur de les reperdre maintenant.

So the figures are not impressive. It´s a lot of training, but it´s less than half of what some of my teammates (Marcel for example) put out there to be in Kona... 
Les chiffres ne sont pas impressionnant. C´est certes pas mal de temps et d´effort, mais c´est moins de la moité de ce que certains co-équipiers ont investi pour obtenir leur graal - une place aux Championnats du monde.
Note to self: the slot will not come without a (timely) cost!
Cela va donc avoir un prix, cette année.

The big race - May 28th - L´objectif de l´année

So 2016 totals are / les totaux sont : 
- Natation / swim 88 km in 26hr 
    - That´s barely enough to remember the 4 strokes! Lazy...
    - C´est tout juste assez pour se rappeler les 4 nages, sachant que la brasse... : )
- Vélo / bike 6000 km in 220 hr 
    - Commuting surely helps puts some hours in. Need more quality.
    - Faire l´aller-retour au travail aide à se mettre des heures sous la ceinture. Mais il faut ajouter de la qualité.
Course à pieds / run 844km in 74hr 
    - Not a surprise the races end up in quite a bit of pain!
    - Avec aussi peu de course à pieds, pas étonnant que les courses se terminent dans la douleur.

To sum up, it´s 300 work-outs for  7000km and "only" 333hr of training.
Le bilan est donc 300 sorties pour 7000km couverts (3 sports) et seulement 333hr d´entrainement.

Let´s now focus on 2017!
Focus sur 2017 maintenant!
Départ à Kona - Swim start in Kona

Caioba Olympic Triathlon RENAULT

3 weeks was the time under the vírus. Still coughing, and quite tired, I barely trained prior to the race.

Big week-end in the family w/the school play : Grease. 3 shows in 2 day so I had to leave Sunday morning (Sandy & Sullivan went to bed when I got up!).

ISC Grease presentation : busy week-end @ the Holderbachs

So, a little Olympic distance to see where we stand in spite of the little virus.

Morning review

1500 m swim without wetsuit 
Mini warm-up as I won´t take off too fast: I´ve only been back to the pool in the last 2 weeks. So I stand in the 3rd row, casual.

One ugly face - Copyright Rafael Dalalana

And we´re off, I get past by a few guys on the run. I steer towards the inside. Todinho is already far in front. I try to keep a reasonable pace. And yet I´m catching up some swimmers. Let´s do it progressively.

I settle into a nice little ryhthm, breathing the usual 3/2/3/2 so I don´t over-do it in the swim. I pass a guy who remain on my right for a while and I apparently reach the first buoy not so far after the pros. A good surprise.

I turn past the yellow buoy and take a few strokes to adjust the aim for the red one. It´s not visible all the time due to the swell. So I aim at the island a bit further to target it. One of the pros, I wish I could see his Garmin trace after the race, seems to be way too far to the left. So it makes me doubt: am I on the right course? Or do we have to go back to the sprint distance buoys?

Too late now, and the explanation was straight forward, so let me do the same. I work on my little tempo. The arms aren´t hurting (yet), nor are the abs. Breathing is fine too. Too easy ? No, there is still plenty ahead!
The rest of the stretch is uneventful as I reach the red bouy. There must some current here as I end up a bit to the right in the last strokes. I made a big breach from the other amateurs.

Turning towards the beach is surely good news, I´m not in the red and I´m well positioned.  The swell is now pushing us, making it even easier.
Navigation is the trick now. I look up more frequently. It´s a little bit more work but I want to be right on spot. 
With the trisuit or the top, the heart monitor had a hard time stay in place 

 I quickly reach the beach thinking already about the transition and the bike.
Even though it goes smoothly, I still don´t like to run right after swimmer, especially in soft sand.
Some friends mainly from the MTT team cheer as I go – no one in front, no one just after me.
Alex is even a little further (he´s “only” doing the bike leg today).

I swam without the top (shirtless) as wetsuit were not allowed and I don´t have a speedsuit (non floating material). So now I have the pleasure to put it on, on wet skin… And of course, a sleeve get stuck. I´m loosing time, rrrrrrr. Finally, I zip it shut, sun glasses, helmet and I´m off.
2 guys arrived in bike park during my transition, and one actually pulls out his bike right in front of me. I yell so he can let me through. He does. And we run together almost to the line to “jump” on the bike.

40km bike without drafting
I start pedaling, first turn, first speed bump, and I fit the first shoe on. The second is a bit of struggle for some reason. My new friend takes advantage of this and passes me. Well, the truth is that he simply has better cycling legs. I´d like to think I´ll catch him on the run, but that´s too soon and quite presumptuous…

As I reach the main road (after 26 speed bumps – may be… just too many), I try to settle in a good rhythm. I have done much bike intensity and I didn´t ride for a week or so. It´s not a dramatic situation because I´ve been riding steadily in the last months. My friend is long gone: “not going to see that one again”, cf. when we play card game…
I have to come the conclusion that my bike legs aren´t there. Insensity is there, cadence is there, but in the end, I barely reach a 35kph average. Not good for an Olympic (for me).
I´m all alone so I have no alternative than to be patient, and endure. So I drink out of my single bottle – 750 cl for 1hr sounds right.

I feel the burn in the buttocks. Aero position gets you that way… It feels like I have have a slight headwind. I hope I can pick up a couple extra kph on the way back. In Caioba, it´s a simple course, get out of town, ride straight until you hit the 20km mark, and turn around!
But 2 guys pass by without the possible to jump on the train. Once again, I´d like to think otherwise, but reality hurts: Philippe, my French compatriot, is one of them! And he is in the Age group above mine (he´s older!). That hurts. I know Philippe is a top athlete but still, the way he dropped me tells a lot about my condition: not great.

I drink a gel and a lot of water. I realize I might run out of water before the end of the bike. Note that there is no aid station on the bike course. May be not so bright choice to go w/a single bottle…
In the distance, Philippe is dropping the other guy. And both inexorably get smaller and smaller in front of me. Patience.

I see the pros coming back. Todinho seems to be in the lead. The usual winner is only in 4th position, but looking extremely comfortable. Too comfortable? Because the gap is significant.
Soon enough, it´s my turn to turn around:
- bad news, there was no headwind. It seems the head wind is strong on the way back! L
- good news, Philippe doesn´t seem that far in front. And not too many guys passed me, yet. I must be in a good position in my age group, if not in the lead.

I resume the routine, checking out how fast look my immediate followers – it´s always funny how they look fast… But on the reassuring side, they have caught me up yet… It´s not that bad.
A young passes, at a reasonable pace vs. mine. Time to catch the train. If I want to make a good race rank, I need to stick to him, within legal drafting distance.
Even at 7 or 8m, I feel the difference. Getting to speed was a little harsh, but now things are smoothing down.

I see some teammates, I take 2nd gel half way back. And I´m running out of water.
We keep the pace, the legs start burning.
We enter back in town, with all the speed bumps, and even the “cobble” stones (in concrete). I´m careful not to get dropped here. It would be too bad.
We reach the final stretch side by side. Getting ready for the second transition now.
Last turn, shoes undone, dismount line, we´re still run side by side now.
Bike on the rack, race number on, shoes on, I grab the last gel + my hat, and I´m off for the last leg: 10km run in the waterfront of Matinhos. I hope there is a little breeze: the sun is strong, and there is no shade on the course.
My buddy from the bike is now passing me, I transitioned better, but he runs faster. Much faster.

10km run without Segway
I settle into my own pace. I need to manage to finish strong, that´s the objective. And the question is how close to 40mn (vs. 45mn) can I get?
It´s all about feel, no heart rate control, just feeling, with the heat.

But the first km comes as a sanction: 4´25. Oh boy, it´s gonna be a long one! (4´30 average = 45 mn for 10km).
Anyway, no choice. Let´s keep moving. I need water. We´ll see about the time later. Todinho seems to have lost the lead. But he looks good.

The first aid station comes “quickly”. Water feels good! Another guy flies by – a young one. Don´t care.
And the 2km, same verdict (4´27). The pace is on the wrong side, on the 45mn + side…
But soon, the turn around. Not so far is Philippe. I didn´t have him in mind, but now he doesn´t seem out of reach.

First lap - still feel good

Re-aid station. I start also pouring water on my head, to keep cool.
And then, big surprise, the clock must be wrond: I dropped the pace to 4´15 now. Without changing anything, just getting the legs going and the motivation back with Philippe at sight.

As I close the first lap, Todindho is still on the job for the second lap and the other (first lap) still look “fresh”.
I move progressively closer to Philippe, but only very progressively. But I feel great, and the watch keeps showing 4’17s or so.
Reaching the halfway, in front of the Manocchio tent, more water, feeling fine. 21 minutes and something. That´s great, and much better the I started off with.
Back in the waterfront, now is time to pass Philippe, gradually. Pace is good, the legs are holding well, quite well actually. Heart is fine too. It´s just getting hot.

By the 7km aid station, I passed him, but I start to feel the burn. But it´s almost over.
With the turn-around, I now seek for the up-runners – who´s gonna catch me next? I´m concerned about “moustache”. Not sure of his age group, but he´s moving – faster than me I think.
I just need to hold it together for the 2 more km, only 8mn1/2!
Easier than said than done!
I now wish I had done more core work, and more speed work. Because I´m falling apart. So I try to focus on the form. And keep the pace. And I do just that: it´s “just” (much) more painful.
1km to go, and Moustache passes. I can´t pick up the pace. I stick to my max. My legs are hurting big time.
Keep it together, that´s my objective. Soon I reach the team tent – with a lot of cheers. But another goes by, I try to respond. It lasts 20m, max. I can´t go any faster.

I reach the finish line, 2h13. Not so bad.
I need to sit, quickly… And I « need » to check my run time : 42mn
Overall, 5th on the swim, with a crappy 1´26 average.
36,5km average on the bike, with a fair 146 bpm.
And a satisfactory 4:19/km average, with 156 bpm, reaching 166 bm. So 2h13 is good news.

French harvest 

Some of Manocchio Triathlon Team trophees